Anybody Want a foot long???

A love story involving ketchup and a multitude of meats…

Ok, before I begin there is a story that you need to hear so that you can understand my perspective on this matter.  A long time ago there was a boy (Me) who was…well he was a verrrryyy special boy and his mommy made sure to tell him how special he was as often as she could!  So one day in junior high this special boy and his lady friend were at the field day (end of year celebration thingy) and there where hot dogs!  So the special boy got his lady friend and himself a hot dog to eat.  So they begin to eat their hot dogs and then the special boys lady friend squeals and starts spitting and then THROWS UP ON THE SPECIAL BOY!!! (YES YOU READ IT RIGHT SHE THREW UP ON ME!) Anyways the culprit of this unfortunate ruin er of my opinion of this special lady friend was a piece of bone that was inside the hot dog!

But Alas there is nothing better then the all american hot dog! I would like to show you something I found while looking up hot dogs on the internet to try to understand karmic-ally why the universe was punishing me with showers of doom and vomit (And no I was not looking up WIENERS) and then I want to discuss it with my strange and often mis understood approach at understanding things!


Common hot dog ingredients include:

  • Meat trimmings and fat
  • Flavorings, such as salt, garlic, and paprika
  • Preservatives (cure) – typically sodium erythorbate and sodium nitrite

Pork and beef are the traditional meats used in hot dogs. Less expensive hot dogs are often made from chicken or turkey, using low cost mechanically separated poultry. Hot dogs often have high sodium, fat and nitrite content, ingredients linked to health problems. Changes in meat technology and dietary preferences have led manufacturers to use turkey, chicken, vegetarian meat substitutes, and to lower the salt content.

If a manufacturer produces two types of hot dogs, “wieners” tend to contain pork and are blander, while “franks” tend to be all beef and more strongly seasoned.

Now that was posted on Wikipedia (Which is never a reliable source fellow students and scholars abroad) And I just find it odd how something that’s main ingredient in this list is “Meat Trimmings” could capture the heart of a nation and be embedded in its history…Also makes you wonder what kind of Meat Trimmings they are!  Could be mice, birds, dogs, cats, feral goats, deer, maybe it even has some of that Hobo you saw at wal mart just the other day (that you didn’t give money too you cheap bastard) but what really solved my issue was at the end of the wikipedia post!

I (the special boy) could have avoided the whole incident that ruined my childhood relationship if I would have just known that “Wieners tend to contain pork and are blander” WHILE “Franks tend to be all beef and more strongly seasoned” So if I would have not have tried to offer her a wiener and instead…offered her a frank…than perhaps we would still be friends today!!!

Little Mermaid And Her Tower Of Terror!

Disney’s Little Mermaid!

This wonderful (although somewhat obvious) subliminal message was created for many’s favorite Disney movie Little Mermaids front cover.  It is said that there was some squalor on payment to animators from Disney so they decided to stick a massive penis shaped figure on the front of the cover right in the middle of it!  I would do the same come to think of it, I mean why not your leaving anyways!!! There is no way there could be a way around the giant “structure” is just there as a coincidence or part of the castle.  I didn’t use the whole cover because I thought it would be easier for you all to notice if it was a little larger.  However there are still some who may not have been able to decipher the dildo shaped object in the middle of the artwork so here is an even closer shot of what your seeing.

Behold the royal penis of little mermaid!!! Come on though Disney this is a loved and adored children show and you just mold into their minds to want to have sex!  I wonder how they sleep at night…

Don’t worry I have…Defecation Easy Granules!

Defecation Easy?

Ok so I am trying to incorporate other advertising aspects I find funny or interesting.  This attempt at branching out in my blogging aspects has led me to this…We all have seen the funny Chinese labels printed on many of our products here in the Good ol U.S.A. (Did you know that…once upon a time we actually built our own products???? Crazy to think about…) that say things like…50 Cent for take it out or in directions  informing us when assembling our furniture to do strange and irrational things.

But I have found a goldmine! DEFECATION EASY (GRANULES) well…a mine of defecation, rather than gold.  Now I often wonder when seeing things like this if in china before they decide to publish their advertisements they ever…I dont know.  Spell check the words?  So this is Coffee!  I mean I think its very creative because when I want to attain a natural state of uh diuretic perfection, I get so sick of downing that Ex lax chocolate.  So I just am happy that we all have an alternative that not only stimulates the mind, but also the bowels!!!  Hmm if you will please I would like you too picture this scenario:

Employee:  Hey boss want some coffee?

Boss: Oh yes, that would be wonderful thank you George!

*Employee walks in sets down coffee mug, and sits down as they start to sip their morning brew*

Boss: MMMM! Excellent coffe George what kind is this!?

Employee: Oh its a great blend from china! Very Robust! Its called “Defecation Easy!”

Boss: …….

HA anyways save yourself an odd situation!  Just drink folders! 😀


Introducing The Hercules!!!

Now going along with this you might say skeptical view at our “honest” governments “good intentions” to be prepared for perhaps viral infection, nuclear warfare, etc.  This is actually in my opinion a more interesting story than the potential concentrations camps that could be put into effect by our government in cases where martial law may be put into use.  

A soy bean field that had recently been closed had its fields filled with rows and rows miles long of black “Casket Liners” now 125 thousand disposable coffins where found by this reporter and upon further investigation found out that these casket liners belonged to the C.D.C. which for those of you who do not know is the Center for Disease Control, you know the ones who have weaponized Smallpox and Ebola virus.  Anywho, the C.D.C. was leasing this land off of the land owner of the soy bean factory and was asking him to give them a 3 year contract extension so they can place temporary morgues in case of a need to dispose mass amounts of bodies in times of emergency.   The journalist goes into these rows of Casket liners with the owners permission and shoots some footage of himself getting inside one showing dimensions (These coffin liners can hold up to 5 bodies and are advertised in said picture to be engineered for double depth burials) and even shows footage of children sizes in these grave liners.  These grave liners even had receipts showing property of C.D.C.

These casket liners, according to the company’s dimensions come with rounded lids.  The C.D.C has their own version manufactured for them with flat lids that are able to be stacked.  These precautions started to be put into effect after the government was bashed so ruthlessly for its inability to handle the katrina incident.  So the reporter published his video and a week later the caskets where all removed from the area that the video was recorded.  125 thousand bins of this size gone essentially overnight.

My advice…In times of Emergency be smart so you don’t end up in a disposable coffin next to some other poor schmuck that decided he would let his government take care of him…Be smart, Be informed, Be prepared, and stay out of the C.D.C.’S black coffins.

F.E.M.A. Deathcamps…We want you! In prison camps!

F.E.M.A. Concentration Camps

I wanted to switch it up a little bit and talk about a topic I have been reading up on lately and is very interesting.  This is the F.E.M.A. death-camps that have been discussed by many a blogger and news room alike.  If you don’t know or have not heard of the F.E.M.A. it is a branch of Homeland Security and the acronym stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Apparently Federal funding has been being poured into F.E.M.A. So they can renovate building that are large enough to hold mass amounts of people.  A common reappearance of fencing with barbwire facing inward, railways going to and from facilities for moving mass quantities of people, electronic turn-styles to count number of occupants being moved, prison baring installed around turn-styles that are planted in freshly cemented floors and adorned with cameras watching traffic, AND lastly helicopter wind socks and other aeronautic gear which would lead us to presume that helicopter and air transport will also be expected at these facilities.

Now I have also learned in my readings that F.E.M.A. has the right to suspend a citizen’s constitutional rights in event of an emergency that could cause damage to the infrastructure of the government.  I mean after the Patriot Act the idea of a citizens right is minimal in the public’s eyes but now this on top of it?  Hmmm sooo a government agency has the ability to suspend YOUR constitutional rights and is building with YOUR federal taxes…facilities to hold mass quantities of people with barbed wire…worried yet? Or do you still not care?

Who’s hand is that? Shower with a friend!

Shower with a friend!

Does that look like a girls hand to you? Doesn’t look like it to me. Conserve water, shower with a friend!  Who can resist the gentle touch of Palmolive?  I think that this ad puts a little spark into our subconscious when we think of the next time we shower.  I mean hey if I buy this product then some guy with big uh…forearms is going to wash me!  For the low price of $3!!  Hmm its strange that an activity that’s so enjoyable needs much advertising in the first place.  I like how they where able to incorporate the color to serve their advertising purpose.  The main picture of the guys hand on her leg is dulled with a soft rustic color while the bring red and green bottles burst out at you.  Think this ad worked? Add comments and let me know your guys thoughts please…


Random? I don’t think so! Haha So this is Superman, Eragon, and Xmen 3 lined up in a seemingly innocent line up.  Subliminal messaging can be anything from what we see here which is a (not very subtle) little message to flashing something like EAT POPCORN during movies.  These subliminal messages are designed to get YOU the user to buy the product be it watch the movie, buy snacks, buy an iPad! Now realistically i’m sure they figured it would be funny to set it up then by the time their boss saw they had to take it and rearrange it….or maybe its just an honest mistake?

Ba da ba ba ba I’m lovin it? McD’s Meat Stick!

McD’s Meat Stick

I don’t even think I need to say anything…but doesn’t that resemble a… Never-mind.  No really though WHAT IS THIS?? Why is there a giant penis shaped McDonald sign on the side of a building with lights!? Did you know that McDonald’s meat has only 15 percent beef in their patties!!!  That is disgusting, absolutely vile that 85 percent of what your eating in your HAMBURGER is not beef!  Ewww….Now for all of those nice people that say that my blog is “Dirty Minded” and that I shouldn’t twist things around…with this there is nothing to twist around!  Its the giant MCDONALDS MEAT MONOLITH!!! Eat the meat…ba da ba baaa just keep lovin it.

Paris eats burger! Mmm…

Paris Hilton eating her Carl’s Jr!

Well…First off, I have never gotten a Carl’s Jr burger that looked like that!  Then again I am not Paris Hilton…thankfully.  This add posted by Carl’s Jr shows our favorite celebrity shoving a huge hamburger in her mouth.  I like how her eyes are closed and her hair is flowing everywhere with her diamond necklace.  Makes you want to try that hamburger, or maybe just watch Paris Hilton eat it…either one works!  I think its funny how amazing the lettuce looks its nice and full, I have never gotten lettuce like that on my hamburgers from Carl’s Jr!  The tomatoes are perfect, the cheese is melted just enough so that it hangs off the edge of the burger.  What an amazing looking burger, I bet its fake! I bet its all made of plastic just for this picture!  Maybe it was cooked by Paris’s personal cook or something!

The lion king!

In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion dreams of…Sex?

Well… life’s hard as a lion…sometimes you gotta just lay back on a cliff and admire the pretty stars in the sky!  Stretch a little and maybe…Dream about sex???  Now even without the bottom left box that has a write in to see it easier, it is fairly easy to spot SEX in the sky as the lion king sleeps.  Sex sells…so why not put the word sex wherever you can!  Those little kids will be brainwashed into horny mongrels all dreaming about sex!  Its the…circle of life I suppose!  Now the official version is that the Disney animation creators decided to write SFX In the sky as a “artistic mark” on the film…Easy to get confused on the meaning I guess but the possibility that they wanted SEX in the sky is still very possible.  Tell me what you think though…